Thinking about food and traditions

Food plays a very important role in our daily lives. What we select to eat and how we prepare it is closely connected to our individual cultural heritage, as well as , our National heritage.
Not only what we eat but how we eat varies from one place to another and what is considered acceptable in one country may  be seen inappropriate  in an other.
Fostering an understanding of food traditions, considered by some groups as an indispensable aspect of culture, may help students become more aware of cultural differences and allow them to enrich their individual views as regards food options.

From a Global Perspective:

 Why do people value food traditions?
What role does culture play at the moment of deciding on what to eat in a particular celebration ?
How does food  and eating habits impact on different celebrations all over the world?
( Consider New Year around the world)

From a Local/ National Perspective:

What traditional celebration gives your country a sense of National Identity?
What do you normally eat at that celebration?  What dishes give that celebration a sense of identity?

From an Individual Perspective:

What traditions does your family have at the moment of eating ?
What habits does your family have when you eat?What traditional family recipes can you mention?